Tranent Parish Church • Scottish Charity No. SC017423

There is a service every Sunday morning at in the church. Children including babies are very welcome. They usually stay in church for the first part of the service and are then invited to go upstairs to J- Club which offers age – appropriate activities linked to that day's Bible readings. There is a Gathering Area beside the sanctuary too where tea/coffee and biscuits are served after every Sunday service. Order of service is published here from around mid-week.

Communion services are held at 11am on the first Sunday in March, September and December and on the second Sunday in June.

We hold a seasonal Outdoor Church at 3pm on a Sunday afternoon.

On Remembrance Sunday the service starts at 11.30 am, after a public service at the war memorial at around 10.45am to 11.20 am.

Everyone is welcome to come to any of these services whether you are a regular churchgoer or not!

There is also a weekly online service which can be found on our YouTube channel here
