What's On
Prayer bulletin for August is available in church and to view or download - on the Prayer page here
Kirk Session: Tuesday 3rd September. Church upper room.
Prayer Group returns from summer break on Saturday 7th September. 8am in the church.
Gladsmuir church "THE HEART & SOUL SWING BAND" Sunday 8th September: 6:30pm
Scotland's top gospel big band features hymns and solos "swing a new song to the Lord". An amazing evening of musical fun awaits!
Church Garden twinning: Congregational afternoon tea/lunch after service in hall on Sunday 8 September. We hope to raise funds to twin our church garden with a garden in rural Migori in Kenya. For catering purposes, please add your name to the list in the gathering area.
Too Many Apples? Bring them to be crushed for juice. Saturday 14th September 10am-12:00
Creation Bible Study: Wednesdays 25th Sept, 2nd and 9th October. 7pm-8pm at Thomson's Cafe.
SU Prayer Brunch: Saturday 21st September 10am - 12. Haddington West Church. Suggested donation £10
All-Age Ctreation Time Service: Sunday 22nd September
Art easels: We are looking to borrow ART EASELS for an exhibition in the Church Hall from 20-22 September. If you are able to help with this please speak to Wilma Raitt, Val Henry or Russell McLarty.
Singers Group practice: Thursday 26th September, 6pm in the church.
Harvest Thanksgiving Service: Sunday 6th October in the church.
Collecting mobile phones for Malawi: Innerleithen, Traquair & Walkerburn Church are collecting any spare or used phones. Consider donating your old phone or tablet to make a difference to people and the planet. Please place in collecting box in the Church Gathering Area and we will pass them on.
Sunflower Scotland: The team are asking for knitted items, anything kids, infants or adult's items. The team are now looking after 67 orphans and fostering families, and many are struggling to buy baby and children clothes. If you are a keen knitter the team are looking for socks, scarves, hats, baby cardigans, blankets to go out in their next van in September just before the cold weather sets in.
Eco Notices: This month we are highlighting Fairtrade products beyond our stall. Tea and Coffee are available to be able to be purchased from a variety of different shops, Co-op, ASDA, M&S, if you shop regularly in these places if you can factor these into your shopping as we journey towards being a Fairtrade Church.
Sunday - Order of Service will be published here as soon as possible each week.
Youth Club - Sunday 25th August, from 7.30pm to 9pm in the Upper Room in the Church Hall. All young people of secondary school age are welcome. For information about what we do, contact the minister.
Prayer Group will be taking a summer break throughout July and August.
Open House: takes place on Tuesday mornings in the Church Hall between 10am and 12 noon. Free tea, coffee and biscuits are served. All are welcome.
Pool and Table Tennis continue on Wednesday mornings in the Church Hall from 10am to 12 noon. All are welcome.
Fair Trade Stall We have a Fair Trade stall on the last Sunday of every month. With suppies from the Fair Trade shop in Portobello, there is an opportunity to buy various goods - cash only.
Magazine Sharing – bring and borrow - in the Church Gathering Area.
Foodbank Donations: Drop off points are Church Gathgering Area, Church Hall, Fraser Centre or Foodbank itself - 3 Civic Square (10am - 2pm Monday - Friday).
The Church has registered with easyfundraising and you can raise donations for Tranent Parish Church at no additional cost to you each time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate, including all the big names like John Lewis, BT, Tesco, Argos, Boots, Marks and Spencer and many more. Please support us by registering on: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/tranent-parish-church.
By December 2023 we had raised over £134 through this.
Talk to Pamela or Linda if you would like to know more
Eco - Congregation
Gladsmuir Parish Church
'Sing at 6:30' Praise
Scotland's top gospel big band rounds off our season with hymns and solos which will see us "swing a new song to the Lord". An amazing evening of musical fun awaits!