Tranent Parish Church • Scottish Charity No. SCO17423


Tranent Parish Church

Upcoming Events

Sunday - Order of Service  will be published here from around mid-week.

Mission Statement

Our primary task as a Church is to be a witness to Jesus Christ, pointing to Him as Saviour and Lord and achieving this by:

1. Welcoming others into our fellowship.

2. Building them up in the faith through our commitment to Prayer and Bible Study.

3. Providing an opportunity for all to use their talent, abilities and spiritual gifts.

4. Going out into the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Find us on FaceBook

Church Litter Pick Saturday 11 May, 10.30 am meeting at the Church

Gladsmuir Parish Church 'Sing at 6:30'  SUNDAY 12TH MAY: "THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS". This evening's choice of hymns reflects all that makes this space so wonderful.

Youth Club - the next Youth Club meeting is on Sunday 19th May, 7.30pm to 9pm in the Upper Room in the Church Hall.  All young people of secondary school age are welcome. For information about what we do,  contact the minister.

Congregational Picnic. Sunday 23rd June, Vogrie park.

More on our 'What's On' page.
